
Why I don't like Clojure as much as I could

03 Jan 2013

  • ignoring fact that exceptions exist - only lowest level functions throw them, which makes debugging really hard
  • weak typing: thing like asking array to return element with number :foobar silently return nil, instead of throwing an exception
  • requesting non-existing members in dict and records returns nil, which is Clojure equivalent for null - a half of all exceptions which I get is NullPointerException. [Interestingly many other languages do that (Python is a notable exception - it has policy of throwing exceptions wherever possible) which is probably the reason why people want to use null-safe languages]
  • lack of support for newspaper metaphor - function can only use symbols that are defined before its definition. That encourages to put helper functions in top of code - something that feels really C (or worse, Pascal) and decreases readability.
  • putting responsibilities for core functionality in Java libraries - each time I want to do something that comes naturally in sane* languages, like defining iterable type, I have to resort to implementing Java interfaces, which I don't really care about.
* sane language - I consider the following languages sane: Python, Ruby, C++, C#. The key feature of sane language is polymorphism. I was thinking about including Common Lisp is this list, but its loop macro (and other functions) doesn't treat lists and vectors the same way.